
10th Syllabus 

Digital Literacy
    Digital Data Tabulation-Spreadsheet
    1. Introduction and Concepts of Spreadsheet and Workbook
    2. How to Create, Save, Open, Preview, Print and Close Worksheet
    3. How to Enter Numbers, Text, Date and Time, Series using Auto Fill
    4. Editing and Formatting of Worksheet
    5. Changing Color, Size, Font, Alignment of Text
    6. Inserting/Deleting cells, Rows and Columns
    7. Entering Formula in cell using operator (+, -, x, /) etc
    8. Cell Referencing(Relative, Absolute and Mixed)
    9. Functions(SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, IF)
    10. Inserting tables in Worksheet
    11. Charts(Lines, Pie, Bar, Column, Area)
    12. Macros in Worksheet

    Project Work-105
    Project Work

    11th Syllabus

    Fundamentals of Computer
    1. Computer and its application
    2. Block Diagram of Computer
    3. Generations of Computer
    4. Concept of Memory(Primary and Secondary)
    5. Input Devices
    6. Output Devices
    7. Concept of Software(System and Application)
    8. Number System 
    9. Conversion decimal to binary/binary to decimal
      Desktop Publishing
      1. DTP Introduction
      2. PageMaker Toolbox
      3. Comparison between DTP and Word processing
      4. Page maker Introduction
      5. Installation
      6. Creating publication document 
      7. Printing Publication document
        Digital Image Editing

        1. Photoshop Introduction
        2. Classification of Images(Bitmap, Vector)
        3. Image Types used in Photoshop
        4. Image Size and Resolution
        5. Creating a Digital College
        6. Rulers and Guides
        7. Changing Print Size of an Image
        8. Tool Box
        9. Working with Colors
        10. Selections
        11. Shapes and Painting
        12. Softening and Refining Selections
        13. Saving, Loading, Deleting, Moving, Copying, Pasting and Extracting Selections
        14. Drawing with Pen Tool
        15. Creating Brush-Filling and Stroking Selection
        16. Layers
        17. Transforming and Typing
        18. Rotating Cropping Flipping images
        HTML Fundamentals
        1. Introduction to HTML
        2. HTML document structure
        3. Creating an HTML document
        4. Containers and empty elements
        HTML Elements
        1. HTML, HEAD, TITLE, BODY
        2. Attributes of Body Element: Background, Bgcolor, Text, Link, Alink, Vlink, Leftmargin, Topmargin
        3. FONT (Attributes of FONT Element: Color, Size, Face)
        4. IMG (Attributes of IMG Element: Src, Width, Height, Alt, Align)
        5. BASEFONT (Attributes of BASEFONT Element: Color, Size, Face)
        6. CENTER, BR
        7. HR (Attributes of HR Element: Width, Align, Noshade, Color, Size, Face)
        8. H1-H6 (Heading Elements)
        9. P (Paragraph), B (Bold), I (Italics), U (Underline)
        10. UL (Unordered List) Attributes of UL: Type 
        11. OL (Ordered List) Attributes of OL: Type, Start
        12. Linking Internal and External Linking
        13. A (Anchor) Attributes of A Element: Href, Title, Name, Alt
        14. TABLE (Attributes of TABLE Element: Td, Th, Tr)
        Advanced Web Publishing JavaScript

        1. JavaScript Introduction
        2. Variables in JavaScript
        3. JavaScript Function
        4. Accessing JavaScript Function
        5. Creating JavaScript interactive form
        6. Accessing form field value
        7. Creating interactive form login webpage
        8. Networking Fundamentals
        9. TCP/IP and Internet addressing
        10. Internet Working
        11. Internet Working Servers
        12. Concept and need of Web publishing
        13. Web languages
        14. Javascript Control Structure | If | If...Else | If...Else if ...etc.
        15. Checking Text is Letter/s
        16. Checking Text is Number/s
        17. Checking Textbox is Empty or not
        18. Addition of two numbers
        19. Subtraction of two numbers
        20. Multiplication of two numbers
        21. Division of two numbers
        22. Form field validations
        23. Email validation
        24. Animating Image
        Multimedia Applications (Sound, Video Editing)
        1. Sound Introduction
        2. Nature of Sound
        3. Microphone and Its types, characteristics, application in film and television production
        4. Sound track and Sound Editing, Mixing console
        5. Languages Dubbing
        6. Video Editing
        7. Video Editing Types: Linear and Non-Linear
        8. Role of Editor
        9. Video Cassette Recorder,
        10. Windows Movie Maker

        12th Syllabus

        Network Operating System
          Network Operating System Administration

          1. Hardware and Network Operating System Maintenance
          2. Network Security 
          3. IT Career Opportunities
          4. Installation of Linux
          5. Installation of Windows NT
          6. Windows NT and Its Advantages and disadvantages
          7. Difference between Linux and Windows NT
          8. Linux Firewall and Its Types
          9. Basic Storage Devices Concepts
          10. Shell Scripting
          11. Administering User Accounts using GUI tool and Command Line
          Desktop Publishing Advanced
          1. CorelDraw Introduction
          2. CorelDraw11 Installation
          3. Creating Graphics and Saving Files
          4. Tools in CorelDraw
          5. How to Group Ungroup Objects in CorelDraw
          6. Importing Images of various graphic formats
          7. Designing Logos, Greeting cards etc.
            Elementary Server Side Scripting through PHP
            1. PHP Introduction
            2. How to save PHP page
            3. PHP variables and their naming conventions
            4. PHP program to find maximum of 5 numbers
            5. PHP program to find minimum of 5 numbers
            6. PHP program to find sum of 2 numbers
            7. PHP program to find subtraction of 2 numbers
            RDBMS concepts and MYSQL

            1. Basics of Database System
            2. MySQL Trigger
            1. Trigger
            2. Cursor
            Internet Business Applications
            1. Concept of online service, E-commerce
            2. Net Banking
            3. Online Submission of various application forms
            4. Various kinds of online reservations railways, hotels etc.
            5. Online customer support service
            6. Online marketing and shopping
            7. Social networking


            Project Work