Changing Print Size of an Image

Changing Print Size of an Image

To change the print size of an image in Photoshop 7, you can follow these steps:

  • Open the image you want to resize in Photoshop 7.
  • Go to the "Image" menu at the top and select "Image Size." A dialog box will appear.
  • In the Image Size dialog box, you'll see options for "Width" and "Height." By default, these options are set to pixels. 
  • To change the print size, you need to change the measurement unit from pixels to inches or any other unit you prefer. Click on the drop-down menu next to the width or height value, and choose the unit you want to use.
  • Once you've selected the desired unit, enter the new dimensions for the print size. You can either specify the width or height, and Photoshop will automatically adjust the other value while maintaining the aspect ratio.
  • If you want to maintain the image's proportions, make sure the "Constrain Proportions" option is checked.
  • You may also have the option to resample the image. If you check the "Resample Image" box, Photoshop will adjust the image's pixel dimensions to fit the new print size. However, be aware that this can result in a loss of image quality. If you want to maintain the original pixel dimensions, leave the "Resample Image" box unchecked.
  • After entering the new dimensions and making any necessary settings, click the "OK" button to apply the changes.

By following these steps, you can resize the print size of an image in Photoshop 7.

Digital Image Editing

  1. Photoshop Introduction
  2. Classification of Images(Bitmap, Vector)
  3. Image Types used in Photoshop
  4. Image Size and Resolution
  5. Creating a Digital College
  6. Rulers and Guides
  7. Changing Print Size of an Image
  8. Tool Box
  9. Working with Colors
  10. Selections
  11. Shapes and Painting
  12. Softening and Refining Selections
  13. Saving, Loading, Deleting, Moving, Copying, Pasting and Extracting Selections
  14. Drawing with Pen Tool
  15. Creating Brush-Filling and Stroking Selection
  16. Layers
  17. Transforming and Typing
  18. Rotating Cropping Flipping images