Safety in Linux

 Safety in Linux
Linux is a safer Operating System and it includes safety model which consist of different rules
  • It supports a multiuser system where different users have a different place to work.
  • The root user (Superuser/Administrator) can do everything because it has all the access and all the permissions on the system.
  • files have owner, group, access permission for user, group and other which is very effective as a safety measure.
  • User cannot change the privileges (Special access permissions) of the entity(Such as file, directory, etc.) unless he has administrative privileges.
  • The safety model is hardcoded into Linux Kernel.
Cyberlaw- cyber law is a generic term that refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of the internet and Worldwide Web.

India's IT Act- In India cyber law is enforced through IT (Information Technology) Act 2000 which was notified on 17 October 2000. It is based on UNCITRAL (United Nation’s commission for international trade related law) and its prime purpose to provide legal recognition to electronic commerce and to facilitate the filing of electronic records with the government. Later this Act was amended in December 2008 through IT Act 2008. It came into force from October 27, 2009 onwards. It has added several new sections on offences including cyber terrorism and data protection etc.
Cybercrimes- Cybercrimes are different from conventional crimes because these are committed through the electronic medium.
Classification of cyber crimes
  • Tampering (damage) with computer source documents
  • Hacking
  • Publishing of information which is obscene (vulgar) in electronic form
  • Child pornography
  • Accessing protected system
  • Breach (violation) of confidentiality and privacy