HTML document
HTML document is made up of elements or tags(such as <Html>, <Head>, <Body>, <P> etc.) and attributes (such as src, dir, bgcolor etc). Which work together to identify HTML(Hyper text markup language) document parts and tell the browsers how to display them.
All HTML elements (tags) are contained with angle brackets (<>)
<Html>, <Head>, <Body> etc.
HTML document is made up of elements or tags(such as <Html>, <Head>, <Body>, <P> etc.) and attributes (such as src, dir, bgcolor etc). Which work together to identify HTML(Hyper text markup language) document parts and tell the browsers how to display them.
All HTML elements (tags) are contained with angle brackets (<>)
<Html>, <Head>, <Body> etc.
HTML Fundamentals
HTML Elements
HTML Fundamentals
HTML Elements
- Attributes of Body Element: Background, Bgcolor, Text, Link, Alink, Vlink, Leftmargin, Topmargin
- FONT (Attributes of FONT Element: Color, Size, Face)
- IMG (Attributes of IMG Element: Src, Width, Height, Alt, Align)
- BASEFONT (Attributes of BASEFONT Element: Color, Size, Face)
- HR (Attributes of HR Element: Width, Align, Noshade, Color, Size, Face)
- H1-H6 (Heading Elements)
- P (Paragraph), B (Bold), I (Italics), U (Underline)
- UL (Unordered List) Attributes of UL: Type
- OL (Ordered List) Attributes of OL: Type, Start
- Linking Internal and External Linking
- A (Anchor) Attributes of A Element: Href, Title, Name, Alt
- TABLE (Attributes of TABLE Element: Td, Th, Tr)