
Electronic mail- The most widely used tool on the internet is electronic mail. It is used to send written messages electronically. It is a very convenient and inexpensive way to transmit messages.

E-mail address- There we have some examples of E-mail address-

E-mail address has two parts separated by ‘@’ symbol


here user name is abc and is a domain name

  • User name- On the left side of @ separator is the user name. User names can not have blanks.
  • Domain name or the host server- The portion to the right of @ separator is a domain name or host server, that services e-mail. It is sometimes called the e-mail server.

Advantages of E-mail-

1. Low cost  

2. Speedy method   

3. Waste reduction (No need to use any type of stationery for writing e-mail message)

4. Easy to use

5. Record maintenance

6. Patience

Limits of E-mails-

1. Hardware requirement

2. Impermanent

3. A hasty medium

4. Hard to convey emotions

Structure of E-mail message

An E-mail message can contain the following components

  • From- this is the address of the sender of the e-mail
  • To- this is the address or addresses to which the mail is sent
  • CC- CC stands for carbon copy. Here is the address of those to whom we want to send a copy of the mail. CC recipient’s name is visible to all recipients.
  • BCC- BCC stands for Blind carbon copy. This is also a list of addresses. These people will receive a copy of the message. But a BCC recipient’s name is not visible to the other recipient. The BCC recipient can see the To and CC addresses.
  • Subject- It is a short title for the mail
  • Body- the text of the message is written in the body component.
  • Attachment (๐Ÿ“Ž)- by using this component we can attach one or more files, pictures, and documents with our e-mail.

* CC, BCC, and attachment are optional components of an e-mail message.

Formats of E-mail messages- There can be two possible formats of an e-mail message:-

1. Plain text(txt)e-mail

i. It can be read by any type of e-mail application.

ii. It does not offer text formatting.

iii. Pictures or graphics cannot be inserted.

2. Rich text format

i. It cannot be read by every type of e-mail application.

ii. It does offer text formatting

iii. Pictures or graphics can be inserted.

Creating E-mail 

E-mail account can be created in or etc. The procedure to create a new email account is as follows:

How to Create a Gmail Account

In order to create a Gmail account, we must sign up for a Google account. This account will give us access to the Google Suite.

Using following steps we can create a Gmail account:
  • Go to the Google Account Creation Page
  • Enter your first and last name.
  • Choose a username for your account. 
  • Enter a password. Type the password again to confirm it is accurate. Choose a strong password to keep your account protected. It is recommended that you use alternate characters and a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. 
  • Provide your mobile phone number. 
  • Enter the month, day, and year of your birthday in the specified fields.
  • Choose a gender option.
  • Select the Next Step button. Google provides its Terms of Service. You must agree to the terms to continue creating your account.
  • After reviewing, select the I Agree button. You will see the Verify Account page. 
  • Provide your phone number and select your preferred method of contact. You will receive a code via text message or phone call.
  • Enter the code in the box provided. Select the Continue button.
  • You now have a Google account! Google will be automatically directed to the My Accounts page.
  • From the My Accounts page, choose the Gmail icon from the top of the page or from the apps menu in the upper right corner.

  • Google provides a series of instructions for your Gmail account. Choose the Next button until you reach the end of the instructions.
  • On the final screen, select the Go to Gmail button. You will be taken to your Gmail account.
  • Congratulations! Your Gmail account is ready for use.