Drawing with Pen Tool

Drawing with Pen Tool

In Photoshop 7, you can use the Pen Tool to create precise and editable paths, which can be converted into selections or used to create shapes. Here's how you can use the Pen Tool to draw in Photoshop 7:

  • Open Photoshop 7 and create a new document or open an existing one.
  • Select the Pen Tool from the Tools palette. It's usually located in the same group as the Text Tool.
  • Decide whether you want to create a shape or a path. If you want to create a shape, make sure the "Shape Layers" option is selected in the options bar at the top of the screen. If you want to create a path, select the "Paths" option.
  • Click on the canvas to set the first anchor point of your path or shape. Release the mouse button.
  • Move your cursor to the desired location for the next anchor point and click again. You'll notice that Photoshop creates a straight line segment between the first and second points.
  • Continue clicking to add additional anchor points. Photoshop will automatically connect the points with straight line segments. If you want to create curved segments, click and drag the mouse to adjust the direction handles of the anchor point. This allows you to control the curve of the path.
  • To close the path or shape, move your cursor near the first anchor point, and you'll notice a small circle appear next to the Pen Tool cursor. Clicking on the first anchor point will close the shape or path.
  • To edit the path or shape, you can use the Direct Selection Tool (white arrow) to move anchor points or adjust the direction handles. You can also use the Convert Point Tool (nested under the Pen Tool) to switch between curved and straight line segments.
  • Once you have created your desired path or shape, you can convert it into a selection by right-clicking on the path or shape layer in the Paths palette and selecting "Make Selection." This allows you to apply various effects or adjustments to the selected area.
  • If you created a shape layer, you can also apply color or other layer styles to the shape by double-clicking on the layer in the Layers palette and adjusting the settings.

Remember to save your work regularly to avoid losing any progress.

Digital Image Editing

  1. Photoshop Introduction
  2. Classification of Images(Bitmap, Vector)
  3. Image Types used in Photoshop
  4. Image Size and Resolution
  5. Creating a Digital College
  6. Rulers and Guides
  7. Changing Print Size of an Image
  8. Tool Box
  9. Working with Colors
  10. Selections
  11. Shapes and Painting
  12. Softening and Refining Selections
  13. Saving, Loading, Deleting, Moving, Copying, Pasting and Extracting Selections
  14. Drawing with Pen Tool
  15. Creating Brush-Filling and Stroking Selection
  16. Layers
  17. Transforming and Typing
  18. Rotating Cropping Flipping images