Shapes and Painting Adobe Photoshop 7

Shapes and Painting Adobe Photoshop 7

Adobe Photoshop 7 is a powerful image editing software, you can create shapes and use them in your paintings using various techniques. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create shapes and incorporate them into your paintings in Photoshop 7:

  • Open Adobe Photoshop 7 and create a new document by going to "File" > "New" Set the desired dimensions and resolution for your painting.
  • Select the Brush Tool from the toolbar on the left side of the screen. You can also press the "B" key on your keyboard to select it.
  • In the Options Bar at the top of the screen, you'll find the brush settings. Click on the brush shape dropdown menu and choose a basic shape like a circle or square.
  • Adjust the size, hardness, and opacity of the brush using the respective sliders in the Options Bar.
  • Create a new layer by clicking on the "New Layer" button at the bottom of the Layers panel (if the Layers panel is not visible, go to "Window" > "Layers" to display it).
  • On the new layer, click and drag with the Brush Tool to paint the desired shape. Hold down the Shift key while dragging to constrain the shape to a perfect circle or square.
  • To change the color of the shape, select the desired foreground color from the color picker at the bottom of the Tools panel. You can also use the Eyedropper Tool (press "I") to sample colors from the image.
  • To make the shape more refined, you can use the Eraser Tool (press "E") or the Layer Mask functionality to clean up or refine the edges.
  • Repeat the above steps to create additional shapes on separate layers. You can experiment with different brush sizes, shapes, and colors to create a variety of shapes in your painting.
  • Once you're satisfied with the shapes, you can further enhance your painting by adding additional elements, textures, or effects using various Photoshop tools and filters.

Remember to save your work regularly to avoid losing any progress. Although Photoshop 7 may not have dedicated shape tools like newer versions, you can still achieve similar results by using brushes and layering techniques.

Digital Image Editing

  1. Photoshop Introduction
  2. Classification of Images(Bitmap, Vector)
  3. Image Types used in Photoshop
  4. Image Size and Resolution
  5. Creating a Digital College
  6. Rulers and Guides
  7. Changing Print Size of an Image
  8. Tool Box
  9. Working with Colors
  10. Selections
  11. Shapes and Painting
  12. Softening and Refining Selections
  13. Saving, Loading, Deleting, Moving, Copying, Pasting and Extracting Selections
  14. Drawing with Pen Tool
  15. Creating Brush-Filling and Stroking Selection
  16. Layers
  17. Transforming and Typing
  18. Rotating Cropping Flipping images