Saving/Loading/Deleting/Moving/Copying/Pasting and Extracting Selections

Saving/Loading/Deleting/Moving/Copying/Pasting and Extracting Selections

In Adobe Photoshop 7, you can perform various operations such as saving, loading, deleting, moving, copying, pasting, and extracting selections. Here's how you can carry out these actions:


  • Go to the "File" menu and select "Save" or "Save As" to save your current image file.
  • Choose a location on your computer and enter a file name for the image.
  • Select the desired file format (e.g., PSD, JPEG, PNG) and click "Save."


  • Open Adobe Photoshop 7.
  • Go to the "File" menu and select "Open."
  • Browse to the location where the image file is saved.
  • Select the file and click "Open" to load it into Photoshop.


To delete part of an image, you can use various selection tools and then press the "Delete" key on your keyboard to remove the selected portion.


  • Select the layer or part of the image you want to move using any of the selection tools (e.g., Marquee, Lasso, Magic Wand).
  • Use the Move tool from the toolbar (shortcut: V) to drag and reposition the selected area within the image.

Copying and Pasting:

  • Use any of the selection tools to select the area you want to copy.
  • Go to the "Edit" menu and choose "Copy."
  • Create a new document or open an existing one.
  • Go to the "Edit" menu and select "Paste" to insert the copied selection into the new document.

Extracting Selections:

  • Use the selection tools (e.g., Lasso, Magnetic Lasso) to select the area you want to extract.
  • Go to the "Filter" menu, choose "Extract," and a dialog box will appear.
  • Adjust the options in the dialog box to refine the selection and click "OK."
  • The selected area will be extracted and placed on a new layer.

Please note that Adobe Photoshop 7 is an older version, and some features and workflows may differ compared to more recent versions. Consider upgrading to a newer version for access to enhanced tools and capabilities. 

Digital Image Editing

  1. Photoshop Introduction
  2. Classification of Images(Bitmap, Vector)
  3. Image Types used in Photoshop
  4. Image Size and Resolution
  5. Creating a Digital College
  6. Rulers and Guides
  7. Changing Print Size of an Image
  8. Tool Box
  9. Working with Colors
  10. Selections
  11. Shapes and Painting
  12. Softening and Refining Selections
  13. Saving, Loading, Deleting, Moving, Copying, Pasting and Extracting Selections
  14. Drawing with Pen Tool
  15. Creating Brush-Filling and Stroking Selection
  16. Layers
  17. Transforming and Typing
  18. Rotating Cropping Flipping images