Tool Box Photoshop 7

Tool Box Photoshop 7

In Photoshop 7, the Toolbox is where you can access and select various tools to edit and manipulate your images. Here are some of the tools you can find in the Toolbox of Photoshop 7:

  • Move Tool: Used to move and reposition layers or selections within your image.
  • Marquee Tool: Contains options for making rectangular or elliptical selections.
  • Lasso Tool: Allows you to make freehand selections.
  • Magic Wand Tool: Used for selecting areas of similar colors or tones within an image.
  • Crop Tool: Allows you to crop or trim your image to a specific size or aspect ratio.
  • Eyedropper Tool: Lets you sample colors from your image.
  • Healing Brush Tool: Used for retouching and removing imperfections or blemishes from images.
  • Clone Stamp Tool: Allows you to clone or copy pixels from one area of an image to another.
  • Brush Tool: Used for painting, drawing, and adding various effects to your image.
  • Eraser Tool: Erases pixels from your image or layer.
  • Gradient Tool: Applies gradients or smooth color transitions to your image.
  • Blur Tool: Blurs or softens areas of your image.
  • Sharpen Tool: Sharpens areas of your image to enhance details.
  • Dodge Tool: Lightens or brightens areas of your image.
  • Burn Tool: Darkens or adds shadows to areas of your image.
  • Text Tool: Allows you to add text to your image.
  • Pen Tool: Used for creating precise paths and shapes.
  • Shape Tools: Contains options for drawing basic shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, polygons, and custom shapes.
  • Hand Tool: Allows you to move and navigate around your image when it is zoomed in.
  • Zoom Tool: Lets you zoom in and out of your image for a closer or wider view.
  • Sponge Tool: Allows you to selectively desaturate or saturate colors in your image.
  • Path Selection Tools: Includes options for selecting and manipulating anchor points and paths created with the Pen Tool.
  • Type Mask Tool: Lets you create a selection in the shape of type and use it as a mask for other layers.
  • Slice Tool: Used for creating slices in web design, allowing you to divide your image into smaller sections.
  • Paint Bucket Tool: Fills an area with a selected color or pattern.
  • Gradient Editor Tool: Opens the Gradient Editor, where you can create and modify gradients.
  • 3D Tools: Exclusive to Photoshop Extended, these tools allow you to create and manipulate 3D objects.
  • History Brush Tool: Lets you paint a previous state of your image onto the current state.
  • Art History Brush Tool: Applies artistic effects to your image by using a brush that paints from a selected history state.
  • Reset Tools: The circular arrow icon in the Toolbox can be used to reset the currently selected tool to its default settings.

These tools provide more functionality for editing and manipulating your images in Photoshop 7. Each tool has its own unique purpose and usage, allowing you to achieve a wide variety of effects and adjustments.

Digital Image Editing

  1. Photoshop Introduction
  2. Classification of Images(Bitmap, Vector)
  3. Image Types used in Photoshop
  4. Image Size and Resolution
  5. Creating a Digital College
  6. Rulers and Guides
  7. Changing Print Size of an Image
  8. Tool Box
  9. Working with Colors
  10. Selections
  11. Shapes and Painting
  12. Softening and Refining Selections
  13. Saving, Loading, Deleting, Moving, Copying, Pasting and Extracting Selections
  14. Drawing with Pen Tool
  15. Creating Brush-Filling and Stroking Selection
  16. Layers
  17. Transforming and Typing
  18. Rotating Cropping Flipping images