Attributes of Body Tag

i. BGCOLOR- By using bgcolor attribute of body tag we can change the background color of the HTML document
Title of the document
<BODY Bgcolor=”Yellow”>
All the tags, attributes of tags and information

ii. BACKGROUND- By using background attribute of body tag we set background picture of the HTML document
Title of the document
<BODY Background=”Desert.jpg”>
All the tags, attributes of tags and information
*Note: Save both files (HTML document and Picture) into same folder

iii. TEXT- By using text attribute of body tag we set the text colour of the HTML document

Title of the document
All the tags, attributes of tags and information

iv). LINK- By using link attribute of body tag we set the colour of the hyperlink
Title of the document
All the tags, attributes of tags and information
<A HREF =”1.HTML”>Link to another HTML document</A>

v). ALINK- By using Alink attribute of body tag we set the colour of the Alink (Active Link)
Title of the document
All the tags, attributes of tags and information
<A HREF =”1.HTML”>Link to another HTML document</A>

vi). VLINK- By using Vlink attribute of body tag we set the colour of the Vlink (Visited link)
Title of the document
All the tags, attributes of tags and information
<A HREF =”1.HTML”>Link to another HTML document</A>

vii). LEFTMARGIN- By using Leftmargin attribute of body tag we set blank area to the left side of the web document.
Title of the document
<BODY Leftmargin=”30”>
All the tags, attributes of tags and information

viii). TOPMARGIN- By using Topmargin attribute of body tag we set blank area to the top  side of the web document.
Title of the document
<BODY Topmargin=”50”>
All the tags, attributes of tags and information

HTML Fundamentals
  1. Introduction to HTML
  2. HTML document structure
  3. Creating an HTML document
  4. Containers and empty elements
HTML Elements
  2. Attributes of Body Element: Background, Bgcolor, Text, Link, Alink, Vlink, Leftmargin, Topmargin
  3. FONT (Attributes of FONT Element: Color, Size, Face)
  4. IMG (Attributes of IMG Element: Src, Width, Height, Alt, Align)
  5. BASEFONT (Attributes of BASEFONT Element: Color, Size, Face)
  7. HR (Attributes of HR Element: Width, Align, Noshade, Color, Size, Face)
  8. H1-H6 (Heading Elements)
  9. P (Paragraph), B (Bold), I (Italics), U (Underline)
  10. UL (Unordered List) Attributes of UL: Type 
  11. OL (Ordered List) Attributes of OL: Type, Start
  12. Linking Internal and External Linking
  13. A (Anchor) Attributes of A Element: Href, Title, Name, Alt
  14. TABLE (Attributes of TABLE Element: Td, Th, Tr)