10th Syllabus

Digital Data Tabulation-Spreadsheet
  1. Introduction and Concepts of Spreadsheet and Workbook
  2. How to Create, Save, Open, Preview, Print and Close Worksheet
  3. How to Enter Numbers, Text, Date and Time, Series using Auto Fill
  4. Editing and Formatting of Worksheet
  5. Changing Color, Size, Font, Alignment of Text
  6. Inserting/Deleting cells, Rows and Columns
  7. Entering Formula in cell using operator (+, -, x, /) etc
  8. Cell Referencing(Relative, Absolute and Mixed)
  9. Functions(SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, IF)
  10. Inserting tables in Worksheet
  11. Charts(Lines, Pie, Bar, Column, Area)
  12. Macros in Worksheet

Project Work-105
Project Work