Cell Referencing

Cell Referencing- Each cell in a worksheet has a unique address. This address is formed by the combination of intersecting column name and row number.

Here A is column name and 5 is row number

Referencing of cells are of three types
1. Relative referencing
2. Absolute referencing
3. Mixed referencing

Relative referencing- In this type of referencing when we copied a formula from one cell to another cell, then cell address changes relatively to where it has been copied and this ability to adjust a formula from one cell to another cell is called relative referencing.

Suppose we have entered a formula as =A1+B1 at cell C1. Now if we copy this formula to cell F1 then it will change relatively to =D1+E1.
That mean both Column name and Row number will change relatively.

Cell Referencing

Cell Referencing

Absolute referencing- In this type of referencing $ symbol is used to specify absolute referencing. We can use absolute referencing if we do not want to update formula.

Suppose we have entered a formula as =$A$1+$B$1 at cell C1. Now if we copy this formula to cell F3 then it will not change and remain same as =$A$1+$B$1.
That mean both Column name and Row number will not change.
Cell Referencing

Cell Referencing

Mixed referencing- Mixed referencing is a combination of relative and absolute referencing.

Suppose we have entered a formula as =$A1+$B1 at cell C1. Now if we copy this formula to cell F2 then only row number will change to =$A2+$B2 and column name will remain same.
That mean both Row number will change relatively and column name will remain absolute.
Cell Referencing

Cell Referencing