Concept Of Database Transaction

Concept of database transaction- A transaction is a logical unit of work (LUW). It involves one or more DML statements. Such as insert, delete or update and ends with either commit to make the changes permanent or rollback to undo the changes.

So database transactions must be handled in a way so that their integrity is maintained

Transaction properties- to ensure data integrity database system maintain the following properties of the transaction often termed as acid properties.

1. Atomicity- (All or none concept) this property ensure that either all operations of the transaction are reflected properly in the database or none.

This property has two states Done or Never started

Done state- it means a transaction must complete successfully and its effect should be visible in a database.

Never started state- it means if a transaction fails during execution then its all modification must be undone i.e. remove the effect of failed transaction.

2. Consistency- This property indicates that if the database was in a consistent state before the start of execution than upon termination of transaction the database will also be in a consistent state.

3. Isolation- This property indicates that each transaction is unaware of another transaction. It indicates that action performed by a transaction will be hidden or isolated from outside the transaction until the transaction terminates.

4. Durability- This property of a transaction ensures that after the successful completion of transaction the changes made by it to the database persists even if there are system failures

Together these four properties of transaction are often called acid properties.