Open Software, Business Computing and Database applications part 3

7. Open Office- It is an office application suite. It is intended to be compatible, directly compete with Microsoft office. OOo ( is free software and it is available for Microsoft windows, Unix-like systems and Mac OS X.
OOo version 1.1 includes:
            i) Writer(word processor)       ii) Calc (spreadsheet)              iii) Draw (graphics program)
            iv) Impress (presentation program)   v) Base (database tools)  vi) Visual HTML editior
            vii) Macro records  viii) Star office basic   ix) Math

8. Tomcat- Tomcat is a container for scripts that runs at the server called servlet and in a client/server environment. Developed under the Jakarta project at the apache software foundation. It can also function as independent web server In itself.

9. PHP- Widely used open source programming language. Primarily for server-side applications and developing dynamic web controls. The acronym for PHP is hypertext preprocessor. It allows easy interaction with large no. of relational database systems, such as My SQL and Postgre SQL.

10. Python- Python is a interpreted, interactive programming language created by Guido Van Rossum in 1990 originally as a scripting language for Amoeba O.S. Capable of making system calls.

Front End & Back End

Front End or Client End- This the user interface that the use sees and which is responsible for interacting with the user. The Front end is responsible for receiving user's queries, requests etc and passing it over to the Back end.

Back End or Server End- Back end handles all database accesses through one or more servers and is responsible for processing data for user queries and requests.