Open Software, Business Computing and Database applications part 2

Freeware- This type of software available free of cost and we can copy and distribute these kind of software but modification and source code is not available for this type of software. One example of freeware software is Microsoft Internet explorer.
Shareware- It is a software which is made available with the right to redistribute its copies but after a certain period of time we have to pay license fee. Also the modification and source code is not available for these type of software. These software are also known as trial version software.
Localization & Internationalization- Localization & Internationalization are means of adopting products such as publications or software for non-native environment especially other nation and culture.
Unicode- It is a coding standard being adopting by all new platform. For Localization & Internationalization both Unicode plays an important role. It provides a unique number for every character no matter what the platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language. Unicode version 3.0 represented 49,194 characters where as Unicode version 3.1 has added many more characters 94,140 characters.
Open source/Free software- There are many software which fulfill the criteria of OSS/Free software.
1. Linux- Linux is a popular operating system. It is a most famous example of OSS/Free software because it is freely available and also its source codes are freely available to all. And by using these source codes anyone can modify, use and redistribute it.
2. Mozilla- Mozilla is also a free and well know internet software suite that includes web browser, email client, HTML editor and IRC. Mozilla web browser is called Firefox and its  e-mail client has a name Thunderbird.
3. Apache server- Apache HTTP server is an open source web server available for many platform such as BSD, Linux, unit system, Microsoft windows and other platforms
4. My SQL- My SQL is one of the most popular database system in the world. my sql is multithreaded, multiuser SQL relational database server(RDS) my SQL is available either under the GNU or under other licenses. My SQL works on many different platforms like Linux, MC osx.
5. Postgre- It is a free software object relational database server. It offers and falternative to other open source database systems such as My SQL and Firebird as well as proprietary system such as Oracle, Sybase.
6. Pango- Goal of pango project is to provide open source framework for the layout and sendering of internationalised text into GTK + GNome environment. Pango uses Unicode for all of its encoding and will support output in all the worlds major languages.