Open Software, Business Computing and Database applications part 4

Application areas of Databases:
Inventory control management System- The means by which all items are identified, priced and tracked. Inventory control management system is designed to maintain optimum inventory levels, control inventory and tracked merchandise movement. Database & DBMS can help us to improve our inventory control system. So that it becomes easier to get following advantages such as:
            1. Maintain a proper variety of require items
            2. Increase inventory turnover
            3. Eliminate absolute items.
            4. Increase cash flow & working capital
            5. Reduce storage cost
            6. Reduce downtime
            7. Reduce insurance cost
            8. Obtain lower raw material prices through creative supply networking.
Invoicing management system: It is a subsystem of inventory control management  system it is responsible for providing & maintaining billing details of a company depending on its inventory details . various tables are maintained in this system. These tables are as follows:
            1. Customer table
            2. Inventory table
            3. Inventory description table
            4. Invoice table
            5. Sales tax rate table
Student record keeping system: It is a super set of admission management system, Result analysis system and Fee management system.
Pay-roll processing system: It is a sub system of personal system/management system. It is responsible for maintaining the salary details of employees of an organization. Basic pay-roll processing involves following kinds of processing
            1. Get valid time information
            2. Get employee information
            3. Get year to date information
            4. Calculate pay information
            5. Produce pay cheques and pay-rolls reports.
Personal management system:- Personal management system or human resource system is responsible for maintaining employees details, there growth pattern & positional changes etc.
Financial accounting system:- The main purpose of it is recording, measuring, monitoring and controlling financial information. So these are the various database applications used to store different types of information as per the need of organization.