HP Board Computer Science Paper Year 2016 Class 11

HP Board Computer Science Paper Year 2016 Class 11
1. State True or False:

(a) A Local Area Network connects distant computers. (True)
(b) Hyperlinks palettes are used to control hyperlinks in a publication. (True)
(c) Cropping tool is used to trim graphics. (True)
(d) TIFF has most of the same attributes as the PNG format. (True)
(e) A digital camera is a camera that stores pictures on a film. (False) Memory Card
(f)Tags used in HTML are case sensitive. (False) Insensitive 
(g) You can make the text italic by using < I >. (True)
(h) A NULL value is the same as a zero or a blank space. (False) Not Same
(i) A VCR is a general electronic device used for home entertainment. (True)
(j) Net banking is also called online banking. (True)

(a) What is a computer network? What are its advantages?
(b) Compare coaxial cable and optical fibre cable.
(c) What is the difference between DTP and Word processing? Explain.
     Explain all the options in document setup dialog box in PageMaker.

(a) Define HTML. Explain Container and Empty tags.
(b) Explain the structure of HTML document.
(a)Write HTML code to create the following ordered list:
      l. Keyboard
      m. Mouse
      n. Monitor
      o. CPU
(b) Explain the purpose of the following tags:
     (i) <BR> 
     (ii) <IMG> 
     (iii) <A> 
     (iv) <OL>

(a) What do you mean by palettes? Explain.
(b) Differentiate between DDL and DML.
(a) What is the difference between bitmap graphics and vector images? Explain.
(b) What do you mean by cursor? What are the different types of cursors? Explain.

(a) What do you mean by table? How can you create a table? Explain.
(b) What is datatype in MySQL? Explain numeric datatype in detail.
(c) What do you mean by online reservation ? Explain its advantages & disadvantages.
     What do you mean by net banking? Explain.

(a) What is the role of a video editor? Explain.
(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce? Explain.
(a) What do you mean by omni directional and bidirectional microphone? Explain.
(b)Differentiate between Traditional commerce and E-commerce.