HP Board Computer Science Paper Year 2017 Class 11

HP Board Computer Science Paper Year 2017 Class 11
1. State whether the following statements are True or False: 

(i) Google is not a Search Engine. (False)
(ii) DTP stands for Desktop Publishing. (True)
(iii) WAN stands for Wide Area Network. (True)
(iv) PNG stands for Public Network Graphics. (False) Portable
(v) A Pixel is a single square on a computer screen. (True)
(vi) HTML is the language for Internet. (True)
(vii) <BR> tag has no companion tag. (True)
(viii) A NULL value is same as zero. (False)
(ix) VCR means Visual Cassette recorder. (False) Video
(x) Net banking is also called as Internet Banking. (True

(a) What is the difference between LAN and WAN ?
(b) Write the HTML document structure.
(c) What are the different tools present in Tool box of DTP ?
What are the differences between Word-processing and DTP ?

(a) Write the names of any four Web search engines.
(b) What do you mean by Singular tags and Paired, tags?
(a) What is Web browsing? Explain in your words.
(b) Write a HTML program displaying tags Hl.......H6.

(a) Name the different kinds of images that can be used in Photoshop.
(b) List the various comparison or relational operators of My SQL.
(a) What are the various special features available in Digital Camera?
(b) What do you mean by DBMS? Explain.

(a) What is DBA? Explain.
(b) Name the different commands of DDL Language.
(c) What do you mean by Social Networking?
What do you mean by Netbanking?

(a) What is Microphone ? How it works?
(b) What are the four categories of E-commerce?
(a) Explain the working of VCR.
(b) Write down the advantages of Online Services.