Library Functions

Library Functions- Library functions are those In-build functions that are already available in VB.
Types of Library Functions:
1    Lcase ( ) : This function converts a given string into all lower case.
Syntax : Lcase(string)
Example : Print Lcase(“SCHOOL”)
 Output : school
      Ucase ( ) : This function converts a given string into all lower case.
Syntax : Ucase(string)
Example : Print Ucase(“school”)
            Output : SCHOOL
      Len ( ) : This function gives the length of the string i.e. how many characters long the string is. All characters are counted including spaces and punctuation.
Syntax : Len(string)
Example : Len(“School Time”)
Output : 11
      RTrim( ) : This function removes trailing spaces from a string.
Syntax : RTrim(string)
Example : RTrim(“School ”)
       Output : School
      LTrim ( ) : This function removes all leading spaces from a string.
Syntax : LTrim(string)
Example : LTrim(“ School”)
Output : School
      Left ( ) : This function is used to extract a certain number of characters from the leftmost portion of string.
Syntax : Left(string,no-of chars)
Example : Left(“School Time”,6)
Output : School
      Right ( ) : This function is used to extract a certain number of characters from the rightmost portion of string.
Syntax : Right(string, no-of chars)
Example : Right(“School Time”,4)
Output : Time