Introducing Database

Database- database refers to the collection of interrelated data

DBMS(Database management system- DBMS is a computer program that manages a database effectively and efficiently.

Typical file processing system- in this file system records are stored in various files and by using different application programs such as Excel spreadsheet. But this scheme has a number of major limitations and disadvantages such as data redundancy (duplication of data), data inconsistency, un-shareable data, unstandardized data, insecure data and incorrect data etc.

By using DBMS we can control these disadvantages.

Data Inconsistency- multiple mismatching copies of same data is known as data inconsistency

How database works- the database systems do not maintain separate copies of same data and all the data are kept at same place. If any change is to be made to data, it will be made at just one place.

Advantages of Database-
  • Database reduce the data redundancy to large extent
  • Database can control data inconsistency to a large extent
  • Database facilitates sharing of data
  • Database enforce standards
  • Databases can ensure data security
Flat or simple file processing system VS Relational database- where all data is stored in one file such a database is called flat database as excel spreadsheet is an example of flat database.
Where the data is stored in multiple tables and that are linked via common fields(columns) these databases are called relational database

Some popular DBMSs are-
1. Microsoft Access
2. My SQL
3. Oracle

Microsoft Access- MS-Access is a popular RDBMS. It manages data in terms of special tables called relation

Functioning of MS-Access- database files in MS-Access are stored with extension .mdb within the file we can divide our data into separate storage containers called tables or relation.

Features of MS-Access
1. Tables
2. Queries
3. Form
4. Report
5. Data Access page

1. Tables- a table refers to a storage container where we can store data related to single object or purpose

Components of Table

Byte- a byte is a group of eight bits and is used to store a character

Data item- a data item represents one type of information and often referred to as a field or data element.

Record- a record is a named collection of data items which represents a complete unit of information.

1. Table- a table is a named collection of all logical records.

2. Query- query is a statement that gives us filtered data according to our condition and

3. Forms- a form is an interface in user specified layout that lets users view, enter, change
    data directly in the table.

4. Reports- report is an effective way to present data in a printed format. It is a formal,
    presentable printed document that list data in a formatted manner.

5. Data access pages- to make data available on internet or intranet for interactive
    reporting, data entry or data analysis we can use data access pages.

Designing a database- we can design a database by using following steps-
1. Determine the purpose of database
2. Determine by the table need.
3. Determining the fields we need.
4. Identifying the fields or field with value in each record.
5. Determining the relationship between tables.
6. Refining or updating database design
7. Entering data and creating other database objects like forms, reports, queries and data access pages.