HP Board Computer Science Paper Year 2017 Class 12th

HP Board Computer Science Paper Year 2017 Class 12th

1. State True or False:
(i) rmdir command is used for renaming a directory. (False)
(ii) The law governing the cyber space is known as cyber law. (True)
(iii) PHP is different from JavaScript in terms of syntax. (False)
(iv) JavaScript is a compiled language. (False) Interpreted
(v) IP of TCP/IP is a connectionless protocol. (True)
(vi) Cookies contain information that may lead a possible attacker to the respective computer. (True)
(vii) Dreamweaver does not support CSS and JavaScript. (False)
(viii) PHP is an open source software. (True)
(ix) A cursor can display information from a single table only. (False)
(x)Triggers can not take parameters. (True)
(a) Write a short note on Linux Operating system.
(b) What do you mean by the term 'Cyber law'? Explain.
(a) Explain the following Commands :
     (i) mkdir (ii) date (iii) rmdir (iv) ls.
(b)What is Network Operating system? Explain.
(a) What are the major responsibilities of a Network specialist?
(b) What is mount point in Linux?
(c) Write the advantages of using PHP.
(a) What is Linux firewall? What are the three levels of security provided by a Linux firewall ?
(b) What is Swap space? Explain.
(c) What do you understand CSS? Explain its main features.
(a) Write a not on CorelDraw.
(b) How are the Bitmap graphics different from the vector images? Explain.
(c) Write brief notes on the following:
      (i) Array
      (ii) Function.
(a) Explain how a drawing can be created in CorelDraw.
(b) Explain the importance of Toolbox in CorelDraw.
(c) Explain the terms Database and Database Management system.
(a) Why JavaScript is known as the client side language?
(b) Write a program in JavaScript to show the use of' Switch statement
(a) Explain IF-THEN-ELSE control structure used in PL/SQL.
(b) Why the Named procedures are called Stored procedures? Write their advantages.
(c) Write the differences between Cursors and Triggers.