History of Internet

Introducing Internet

History of Internet-The seeds of internet were planted in 1969, when U.S. department of defense sponsored a project named ARPA Net(Acronym for advanced research project agency Network). The goal of this project named ARPANET was to connect computers at different universities and U.S defense. ARPANET started with a handful of computers but it expanded rapidly in mid-80's another federal agency, the national science foundation, created a new, high-capacity network called NSFnet, which was more capable than ARPANET. NSFnet allowed only the academic research on its network and not any kind of private business on it. So many private companies built their own networks, which were later interconnected along with ARPANET and NSFnet to form INTERNET.
How does Internet work?-In internet, most computers are not connected directly to Internet, rather they are connected to smaller networks. These smaller network are connected through gateways to the Internet backbone.
Gateway is a device that connects dissimilar network. A backbone is central interconnecting structure that connects one or more network.

Functioning of Internet-
  • At the source computer, the message or the file/document to be sent to another computer is firstly divided into very small parts called packets. A packets generally contains up to 1500 characters.
  • Each packet is given a number serial wise e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6……
  • All these packets are then sent to the address of destination computer.
  • The destination computer receives the packets in random manner (It may even receive packet 10 before packet 1 arrives). If a packet is lost, it is demanded again.
  • The packets are reassembled in the order of their number and the original message/file/document is obtained.
Protocol - Every computer connecting to Internet uses some set of rules for communication and these set of rules are called protocol. The communication protocol used by Internet is TCP/IP
TCP(Transmission control protocol)- TCP part is responsible for dividing the file/message/document into packets on the source computer. TCP is also responsible for reassembling the received packet at the destination or recipient computer.
IP(Internet Protocol)-IP part is responsible for handling the address of destination computer, so that each packet is routed to its proper destination.

Who governs the Internet?-Internet is not governed by an particular body. It is coordinated by many volunteer organization and these volunteer organization are responsible for different type of activities as listed below.
  • The IAB(Internet architecture board) is responsible for approving standard and allocating resources.
  • The IETF(Internet engineering task force) is responsible for discussing and investigating the operational and technical problems of internet.
  • The InterNIC is responsible for providing registration services to internet community.
Uses of Internet-
  • Business use the Internet to provide access to complex databases such as financial databases.
  • Companies carry out electronic commerce including advertising, selling, buying, distributing product and providing sales services.
  • Business and institutions also use the internet for voice and video conferencing.
  • The use of electronic mail(E-mail) over the Internet was greatly speeded communication between companies among co-worker and individual.
  • Media and entertaining companies use the internet to broadcast audio and video including live radio, television programs.
  • Scientist and scholars use the Internet to perform research to distribute lecture notes and students also use Internet for searching course materials and notes.
  • Individuals use the Internet for communication, entertainment, finding information, buying and selling goods and services.
Advantages of Internet-
  • Greater access to information reduces research times.
  • Useful communication links
  • Global reach enables one to connect to anyone on the Internet
  • Publishing document on the Internet saves paper
  • A valuable resource of companies to advertise and conduct business
Disadvantage of Internet-
  • Cyber frauds may take place involving credit/debit card number and details
  • Unsuitable and undesirable materials available on the Internet that some-times are used by terrorist.
  • Computer viruses get downloaded and spread across machines connected to network.
  • Messages sent across the internet can be easily accessed and are open to abuse by others.
  • Too much time spent on the internet could result in a lack of face to face interaction and a loss of social skills.