Advanced programming development methodology

Advanced programming development methodology
Computerized information systems are developed to provide computer solutions to user problems. If all requirements of users are served by the compurterised solution. The user can satisfied enough. So the software should be designed effectively to meet its objective of user satisfaction.
A systematic approach need to be apply in every system that we develop. It equally applies to database designs and development also. The systematic approach of developing an designing database is known as database development life cycle (DDLC).

System development life cycle(SDLC)- SDLC consists of a set of development activities that have a prescribed order. Once a problem or opportunity for a new system is recognized a request for developing a new system is forwarded for approval. If approved then a study is conducted to ensure that the proposed system is feasible (useful) or not. If feasible then system requirements are specified followed by phases of system design.
The SDLC consists of the following activities:
            i. Preliminary study/survey               
            ii. Feasibility study                 
            iii. Investigation  & fact recording      
            iv. Analysis
            v. Design                                             
            vi. Implementation, Maintenance and review

i. Preliminary study/survey- In this 1st step problems are identified and also the benefits and costs are identified. If the benefits are more than cost then approval is granted. During this phase information should be gathered from many resources. Such as users, managers & system developers etc.

ii. Feasibility study: The basic purpose of it is to determine whether the new system would be worth (useful) or not for the organization.

iii. Investigation and fact recording:- After solution is approved then a carefull assessment of the need required. So, team collects information, investigate and record facts.
Common fact recording methods are as follows:-
            i) Interviewing             
           ii) Questionnaire        
  iii) Onsite observation
          iv) Sampling                
           v) Review of procedures and forms.
iv. Analysis: Analysis refers to the analysis of current system in order to reach at the specifications of proposed new system .
Tools used in system analysis are as follows:

            a) Flow chart